Clean & Safe Water

Easy access to clean and safe water is a key factor for communities to thrive. 

This is because it is causally linked in the short term to increased productivity and reduced cost of living, allowing for surplus production.  And in the medium to long-term to improved educational attainment

What We Do

  • Engage communities in interventions from initial to final processes

  • Develop and improve water infrastructures according to need:

    • identify water source;

    • drill boreholes;

    • build water access infrastructure;

    • build water storage infrastructure;

    • distribute water (through pump houses, pipelines, distribution points and household connections) 

  • Strengthen Community Based Water Supply Organisations (CBWSOs)

  • Set up systems for transparency in water demand and revenue collections.

How it Helps

  • Helps children, especially girls:

  • time freed from collecting water from long distances reduces risk of harassment and enables school attendance and improved learning outcomes.

  • Reduces the cost of living:

    • lower cost of water compared to alternatives;

    • avoids health costs related to water-borne diseases.

  • Increases Productivity:

    • time freed from water-borne sickness and pre-occupation with water scarcity allows for farming and other productive pursuits to generate surplus income for investment.

How Are We Doing?