Deadline: 26th October 2023, 12:00hrs (EAT)

The Anglican Church Diocese of Masasi is the faith-based organization based in Southern Tanzania in three regions of Lindi (all districts), Mtwara (Masasi and Nanyumbu districts) and Ruvuma (Tunduru district). The church is dedicated in service all people spiritually and physically through preaching WORD OF GOD and development interventions regardless ethnicity, religion, race or gender.

The Diocese has more than 30 years of experience in implementing development programs in various sectors such as Health, Education, Nutrition, Food Security, Environment Protection and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). Currently, the Diocese of Masasi (DoM) in partnership with the World Vision (TZ&US) is implementing WASH program in a five year project in Lindi and Ruvuma regions.

Due to the internal factors associated with quality and standards of the services to be procured, The Diocese of Masasi extend tender deadline until 26th October 2023. Therefore, for this notification all interested eligible bidders are required to submit their financial and tecnical proposal on or before 26th October 2023 at 12:00hrs. Bids sent after this closing date will NOT BE ACCEPTED.

  1. The Anglican Church Diocese of Masasi invites tenders from eligible bidders; reputable and registered suppliers/service providers as described below:

    LOT 1: Supply of Plumbing and Finishing Materials. An eligible supplier will supply quoted plumbing and finishing materials for Chiuta and Mikongi project, Mandwanga and Lindwandwali project and Nyundo 1 and Nambahu project.

    LOT 2: Conduct Hydrogeological & Geophysical Survey and Drilling of Borehole. It require eligible Contractors Class six and above (Class 1 to 6) registered by CRB Tanzania (Local Contractor Categories Drilling) and Ministry of Water with a minimum two years experiences in Drilling of Borehole with a minimum of 6m3/h yield for water supply projects, good records of performance and verifiable similar completed water supply projects implemented within three years up to February, 2023.

    LOT 3: Conducting Environment and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). An eligible service provider will conduct ESIA in ten (10) villages of Mtama council, Lindi district. The names of the villages are Chikombe, Mkanga II, Lindwandwali, Mandwanga, Chiuta, Mikongi, Nyundo 1, Nambahu, Malungo and Mnazimmoja.

    Download a full detail here

    LOT 4: Construction of Distribution Points (DPs) and Installation of Pre-Paid Meters Systems: An eligible Contractors require Class six and above (Class 1 to 6) registered by CRB Tanzania (Local Contractor Categories) in both Civil and Renewable energy or Electrical with a minimum three years experiences, good records of performance and verifiable completed projects implemented within three years up to February, 2023. The contractor will construct DPs and install pre-paid meter system for Chiuta and Mikongi project, Mandwanga and Lindwandwali project and Nyundo 1 and Nambahu project. Download the document here.

  2. The Anglican Church Diocese of Masasi invites quotations from eligible RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGISTS/TECHNICIAN for the work of installation of solar panels, water pump and its accessories in three projects sites of Nyundo 1 and Nambahu, Chiuta and Mikongi and Mandwanga and Lindwandwali. Download a full detail here.

  3. The Anglican Church Diocese of Masasi invites quotations from eligible LOCAL TECHNICIAN for the work of constructing sanitation and hygiene facilities for schools and dispensaries in the project area. Download a full detail here

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