The Anticipation of Accessible Clean Water

Victor William & Philip Tamba — February 2025

In the villages of Malungo and Mnazi Mmoja in southern Tanzania, the struggle for clean and safe water has been a longstanding challenge. For years, the community has relied on a single hand pump, often plagued by long queues.

Due to the challenge of having only one hand pump in the village most residents, however, have had no choice but to fetch water from the dam, a source that is not only unsafe but also far from their homes.

Malungo resident Mohamed Abdallah collects water from the village’s only hand pump

The journey to the dam has been a daily ordeal for many residents. Women and children wake up before sunrise to begin the long trek, balancing heavy containers on their heads as they navigate thick bushes and steep terrains. The journey is fraught with risks, from encounters with wildlife like snakes to the constant fear of assault, especially for young girls. The lack of clean water has also led to students arriving late to school and a rise in waterborne diseases, compounding the challenges faced by the community.

During the dry season, the situation becomes even more dire. The dam, which depends entirely on rainwater, runs dry, forcing families to walk even farther to find water. 

Village Executive Officer Mr. Haji says, “The lack of clean and safe water has been our greatest challenge. It has affected every aspect of life here—from health and education to the safety of our women and children as well hindering our full participation in income generation reducing our ability to meet our daily life needs” 

Zena Hassan with other women fetching water at Malungo Dam.

However, a glimmer of hope has arrived in Malungo and Mnazi Mmoja. The DMDO, with technical input from World Vision Tanzania and and funding from the Grille Foundation, has started the construction of a new water infrastructure project. The arrival of materials and equipment has brought immense joy to the community. 

8km of water pipes for 16 water distribution to serve Malungo and Mnazi mmoja

Residents are optimistic that this project will be a transformative step forward for their villages.

This project is a turning point for us,” said Village Executive Officer Haji. 

Clean and safe water will improve health, allow students to focus on their education, and bring relief to women who have carried this burden for too long. It is more than just water—it is hope for a better future.”

The people of Malungo and Mnazi Mmoja eagerly await the completion of this life-changing initiative.

For them, this project is more than just a solution to a pressing problem; it represents a future of improved health, access to education, and safety for their families. 

With the construction of piped water supply systems in progress, the DMDO is confident that by April 2025 Malungo and Mnazimmoja communities will have access to clean and safe water in premises through public distribution points and household connections.   This will turn a long-held dream into reality that will provide majority community members to use their potential towards improved living standards.


Safe Water for Schools and Children


Prepaid Meters: Innovation, Impact and Possibility